Robo 3T or Robomongo as it was called formerly, is a free, lightweight GUI MongoDB management tool. It provides GUI tools for managing & querying the MongoDB database. It embeds the actual mongo shell that allows for CLI as well as GUI access to the database.
Recommended Read: Simple guide to install MongoDB on Ubuntu 18.04
Also Read: Complete guide to Install Django on Ubuntu
In this tutorial, we will learn to install Robo3T on Ubuntu (or we can also say install RoboMongo), we will be installing the latest version of ROBO 3T i.e. 1.3 which has support for MongoDB 4, an upgraded mongo shell, support for importing from MongoDB SRV connection strings, etc. So let’s start with the process to install Robo3t on Ubuntu servers.
Install Robo3T on Ubuntu
We are assuming that you have MongoDB installed on your system. If you still have not installed MongoDB, please refer to our tutorials for installing MongoDB on Ubuntu & CentOS. Now back to Robo 3T installation, we will be discussing two methods for the installation of Robo 3T,
1- Install using SNAP
2- Install using Official Packages
1- Install Robo3T using SNAP
Snap package manager is available by default on Ubuntu 16.04 & above, if it’s not installed on your system then you can install it using the tutorial HERE. Once the snap is installed, we can install Robo 3T on Ubuntu with the following command,
$ sudo snap install robo3t-snap
Once installed you can run it either from the menu or using the following command from the terminal,
$ robo3t
2- Install Robo3T using Official packages
Firstly, we need to download the Robo 3T, use the following command to download the latest packages,
$ wget
You can create a folder for robo 3t,
$ mkdir -p /data/robo3t
Next, extract the files from tar to that folder,
$ tar -xvzf robo3t-1.3.1-linux-x86_64-7419c406.tar.gz -C /data/robo3t
Now go to the extracted folder,
$ cd /data/robot3t
Once in the folder, we can start the robot 3t with the following command,
$ ./robot3t
Robo 3T will now start & will keep running until the script is stopped or the session is closed. You can also start the script in background in the following command,
$ nohup ./robot3t &
That concludes our tutorial on how to install Robo3T on Ubuntu (install RoboMongo). Please do let us know if you have any questions, queries or suggestions using the comment box below.
I have installe the snap version. It is running but the font is wery tiny. I have to use glasses to read it. How can I change the font size?
Thank you
Here’s the mistake:
$ cd /data/robot3t
$ ./robot3t
Not “robot3t” but “bobo3t”
but it still doesn’t work for me
i tried but didn’t work.
What is the error you are facing?